Beyond AI Research Institute supported by the University of Tokyo and Softbank has been launched. Proj. Prof. Nagai is leading a project titled “AI x Tojisha-Kenkyu: Computational Neuroscience for Systematic Understanding of Cognitive Individuality”. Beyond AI Research Institute Project homepage
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Paper written by Dr. Anja Philippsen has been accepted in ICDL-EpiRob2020
A paper written by Dr. Anja Philippsen has been accepted in the 10th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics. It computationally analyzes the developmental change in representational drawing in human children. Anja Philippsen, Sho Tsuji, and Yukie Nagai, “Picture completion reveals developmental change in representational drawing ability: An analysis using a convolutional neural network,” in […]
Read morePaper written by Dr. Anja Philippsen has been accepted in IEEE TCDS
A paper written by Dr. Anja Philippsen has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. It computationally investigates the cognitive difference between human children and chimpanzees based on the theory of predictive coding. Anja Philippsen and Yukie Nagai, “A predictive coding account for cognition in human children and chimpanzees: A case study of drawing,” IEEE Transactions on […]
Read moreReport of Aspen Institute Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence has been published
The report of Aspen Institute Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence, where Proj. Prof. Nagai attended in January 2020, has been published. If empathy is critical for both individual development and societal endurance, what do we make of artificial and or simulated empathy? So. Many. Thoughts. Learn more from the 2020 @aspeninstitute Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence – available at
Read moreDr. Tatsuya Daikoku has joined our lab
Dr. Tatsuya Daikoku has joined our lab as a Project Researcher! Tatsuya Daikoku, Ph.D.
Read moreDr. Stefan Heinrich has joined our lab
Dr. Stefan Heinrich has joined our lab as a Project Researcher! Stefan Heinrich, Ph.D.
Read moreProject Prof. Nagai’s interview by LITALICO Lab has been published
Project Prof. Nagai was interviewed by LITALICO Lab. Please check the article below. LITALICO Lab Researcher Interview vol.3, “ロボット工学の研究者が、発達障害の理解に取り組む理由|研究者インタビューVol.3・長井志江,” January 30, 2020. [HP]
Read moreProject Prof. Nagai’s talk at Consciousness Club is available in YouTube
An invited talk by Project Prof. Nagai at Consciousness Club on January 17, 2020 is available in YouTube. Please check it. Yukie Nagai, “Typical and Atypical Consciousness Based on Predictive Coding,” Consciousness Club, Tokyo, January 17, 2020. [HP][youtube]
Read moreA report about the ASD simulator workshop has been published
A report about the ASD simulator workshop, which was held in Miyagawa medical reformatory, Mie in November 2019, has been published (Japanese only): 中日新聞, “発達障害を体感し支援 見づらい聞きづらい… VRで,” 2019年12月14日. [HP] LITALICO発達ナビ, “医療少年院の職員と少年がASDのある人の知覚世界をVR体験–知的障害や発達障害がある少年たちの支援での配慮を考えるワークショップを開催,” 2019年12月27日. [HP]
Read moreEncyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence has been published
Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, to which Proj. Prof. Nagai contributed, has been published. She describes cognitive development in robots based on predictive coding. Yukie Nagai, “8.8 Cognitive Development in Robots based on Predictive Coding,” Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence (third edition), H. Nakashima et al. (Eds.), Kindai Kagaku, pp. 222-224, December 2019. [HP]
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