A review paper written by Project Prof. Nagai has been published in Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. It presents behavioral experiments of human children and motor learning experiments of robots that investigate how predictive processing of the brain leads to cognitive development. Yukie Nagai, “Cognitive Development Based on Predictive Processing in the Brain,” Journal of Health, Physical Education […]
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Open lab at UTokyo Program “東大の研究室をのぞいてみよう!”
We will open our lab during the UTokyo Program “東大の研究室をのぞいてみよう!” to be held on March 25-26, 2024. This program aims to encourage high school students in the world to enroll the University of Tokyo by showing our research activities. Please see the following page for details. UTokyo Program “東大の研究室をのぞいてみよう!”, The University of Tokyo, March 25-26, 2024.
Read moreProject Prof. Nagai will give a lecture at IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Distinguished Lecturer event
Project Prof. Nagai will give a lecture at IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Distinguished Lecturer event. It is an open event to IEEE members. You are cordially invited. Yukie Nagai, “Predictive Brain in Humans and Robots,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Distinguished Lecturer, Online, February 1, 2024. [HP]
Read morePaper co-authored by Project Prof. Nagai has been published in Acta Psychologica
A paper co-authored by Project Prof. Nagai has been published in Acta Psychologica. In collaboration with Prof. Yoshida, IRCN guest researcher, the paper presents the developmental relationship between children’s visual attention and their object manipulation using saliency-based model. Lichao Sun, David J. Francis, Yukie Nagai, and Hanako Yoshida, “Early development of saliency-driven attention through object manipulation,” Acta Psychologica, 243:104124, March […]
Read moreWe will offer a course “AI for Understanding Human Intelligence” at UTokyo Global Unit Courses
We will offer a course “AI for Understanding Human Intelligence” at UTokyo Global Unit Courses, which will be held in June-July 2024. Our course will consist of one-week lecture and one-week hands-on projects. Please apply through the following page if you are interested in participating it. UTokyo Global Unit Courses
Read moreAn application for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan has been accepted
An application for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan, for which Project Prof. Nagai serves as a host researcher, has been accepted. Dr. Youtao Lu is going to stay in our lab for 24 months. Name: Youtao Lu [JSPS] Theme: Predictive coding in children’s context-based learning of homophones Period: July 1, 2024 – Jun 30, 2026
Read moreProf. Hanako Yoshida is going to stay in our lab as an IRCN Guest Researcher
Prof. Hanako Yoshida from the University of Houston is going to stay in our lab for three months. She is invited as an IRCN Guest Researcher. Hanako Yoshida, Ph.D. Associate Professor Director of Cognitive Development Lab Developmental, Cognitive, and Behavioral Neuroscience The University of Houston
Read moreDr. Ruichen Li has joined our lab
Dr. Ruichen Li has joined our lab as a Project Researcher on January 1, 2024. Ruichen Li, Ph.D.
Read moreA report of the 140th Online Symposium of Learning of Tomorrow has been published
A report of the 140th Online Symposium of Learning of Tomorrow, where Project Prof. Nagai gave an invited talk, has been published. Yukie Nagai, “Neurodiversity Visualized by AI: Toward Education for Exploiting Diversity,” The 140th Online Symposium of Learning of Tomorrow, Online, October 25, 2023. [HP]
Read moreProject Prof. Nagai will give an invited talk at AI Forum 2023
Project Prof. Nagai will give an invited talk at AI Forum 2023, which will be held at Yasuda Auditorium at The University of Tokyo on November 14, 2023 and be hosted by Microsoft Research Asia in collaboration with The University of Tokyo. Themed “AI Synergy: Society and Science,” this forum serves as a unique platform where thought leaders from both […]
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