Review Paper written by Project Prof. Nagai has been published in Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

A review paper written by Project Prof. Nagai has been published in Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. It presents research activities related to free energy principle in the area of cognitive developmental robotics. Yukie Nagai, “Free Energy Principle and Cognitive Developmental Robotics,” Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 38(6):826-832, November 2023. [HP]

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Project Prof. Nagai will give an invited talk at the 12th WPI Science Symposium

Project Prof. Nagai will give an invited talk at the 12th WPI Science Symposium, which will be held at Hokkaido University on November 23, 2023. She will present her robotics research that aims to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of human intelligence. Yukie Nagai, “Principle of Intelligence Elucidated by Robotics,” The 12th WPI Science Symposium, Hokkaido University, November 23, 2023. [HP]

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Project Prof. Nagai will give an invited talk at the Symposium of JST CREST “Principle of Emerging Interactions”

Project Prof. Nagai will give an invited talk at the Symposium of JST CREST “An exploration of the principle of emerging interactions in spatiotemporal diversity”, which will be held in Osaka on October 21, 2023. Yukie Nagai, “Emergence of Intelligence through Interaction of Heterogeneous Information: From Predictive Processing in the Brain to Parent-Child Dynamics,” Symposium of JST CREST “An exploration […]

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