Dr. Tatsuya Daikoku has joined our lab as a Project Researcher! Tatsuya Daikoku, Ph.D.
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Dr. Stefan Heinrich has joined our lab
Dr. Stefan Heinrich has joined our lab as a Project Researcher! Stefan Heinrich, Ph.D.
Read moreMore TagProject Prof. Nagai’s interview by LITALICO Lab has been published
Project Prof. Nagai was interviewed by LITALICO Lab. Please check the article below. LITALICO Lab Researcher Interview vol.3, “ロボット工学の研究者が、発達障害の理解に取り組む理由|研究者インタビューVol.3・長井志江,” January 30, 2020. [HP]
Read moreMore TagProject Prof. Nagai’s talk at Consciousness Club is available in YouTube
An invited talk by Project Prof. Nagai at Consciousness Club on January 17, 2020 is available in YouTube. Please check it. Yukie Nagai, “Typical and Atypical Consciousness Based on Predictive Coding,” Consciousness Club, Tokyo, January 17, 2020. [HP][youtube]
Read moreMore TagA report about the ASD simulator workshop has been published
A report about the ASD simulator workshop, which was held in Miyagawa medical reformatory, Mie in November 2019, has been published (Japanese only): 中日新聞, “発達障害を体感し支援 見づらい聞きづらい… VRで,” 2019年12月14日. [HP] LITALICO発達ナビ, “医療少年院の職員と少年がASDのある人の知覚世界をVR体験–知的障害や発達障害がある少年たちの支援での配慮を考えるワークショップを開催,” 2019年12月27日. [HP]
Read moreMore TagEncyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence has been published
Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, to which Proj. Prof. Nagai contributed, has been published. She describes cognitive development in robots based on predictive coding. Yukie Nagai, “8.8 Cognitive Development in Robots based on Predictive Coding,” Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence (third edition), H. Nakashima et al. (Eds.), Kindai Kagaku, pp. 222-224, December 2019. [HP]
Read moreMore TagTalk by Project Prof. Yukie Nagai at Symposium on Human-AI Future School 2019
Proj. Prof. Yukie Nagai is going to give a talk in Symposium on Human-AI Future School 2019: Yukie Nagai, “Toward Creative Collaboration between Human and AI,” Symposium on Human-AI Future School 2019, Tokyo, December 15, 2019. [HP]
Read moreMore TagA review article on computational psychiatry is published
The following review article about computational psychiatry has been published in Neural Networks. It provides a comprehensive summary of computational modeling of schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder: Pablo Lanillos, Daniel Oliva, Anja Philippsen, Yuichi Yamashita, Yukie Nagai, and Gordon Cheng, “A Review on Neural Network Models of Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Neural Networks, online available. [HP]
Read moreMore TagJSAI Annual Conference Award
The following paper co-authored by Ms. Yuri Etani (Kyoto University), Prof. Masako Myowa (Kyoto University), and Proj. Prof. Yukie Nagai has received JSAI Annual Conference Award: Yuri Etani, Yukie Nagai, Konstantinos Theofilis, and Masako Myowa, “Influence of Eye Blink Mimicry and Interoceptive Awareness on Human-Robot Interaction,” in Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, […]
A report of STADTWANDFORSCHUNG: KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ UND STREETART, which was held in Freiburg, Germany in June 2019, has been published. An interview with Proj. Prof. Yukie Nagai is also available. NEXUS EXPERIMENTS, “SARE UND YUKIE NAGAI,” October 10, 2019. [HP]
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