New projects have been accepted for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)

The following projects, for which Project Prof. Yukie Nagai serves as Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator, have been accepted for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S). Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “Understanding Cognitive Individuality Based on a Unified Brain Theory: Assisting People with Developmental Disorders” [KAKEN][Project page] Principal Investigator: Yukie Nagai Period: 2021.07-2026.03 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “Dynamics of Mother-infant interaction: […]

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Book titled “AI時代に自分の才能を伸ばすということ” written by Dr. Daikoku will be published

A book titled “AI時代に自分の才能を伸ばすということ” written by Dr. Daikoku will be published from Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc. on April 20. How can we develop creativity and aesthetics, which are important for humans in AI society? Please read this exciting book for details. Tatsuya Daikoku, “AI時代に「自分の才能を伸ばす」ということ,” Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc., April 20, 2021. [Amazon]

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Our research achievements are exhibited at Miraikan

Visionaries Lab “Advancing Neuroscience: Brain Observers and Creators”, which exhibits research achievements at IRCN, opens in Miraikan on March 25, 2021. Our lab exhibits two experience-based systems: musical creativity and iCub drawing. Please try them and test human and artificial intelligence. Miraikan Visionaries Lab 日本科学未来館に、脳とAIをテーマにした新常設展示 日本科学未来館の新展示「知能を〇〇する-脳をみて、脳をつくる研究者たち」 脳とAIについての最先端研究を楽しく体験しよう

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Paper written by Dr. Tatsuya Daikoku has been accepted in Frontiers in Neuroscience

A paper written by Dr. Tatsuya Daikoku has been accepted in Frontiers in Neuroscience. It discusses how musical creativity emerges based on statistical learning in the brain from viewpoints of neuroscience and computational science. Tatsuya Daikoku, Geraint A. Wiggins, and Yukie Nagai, “Statistical Property of Musical Creativity: Roles of Hierarchy and Uncertainty of Statistical Learning,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, accepted. [HP]

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