Three new projects have been accepted for Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

The following projects, for which Drs. Daikoku, Holgado, Lynch serve as Principal Investigators, have been accepted for Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists. Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “Interdisciplinary Understanding of Cognitive Basis On Creativity” [KAKEN] Principal Investigator: Tatsuya Daikoku Period: 2022.04-2024.03 Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “A Unified Software Platform Employing Virtual Reality-Humanoid Robots and Multisensory Signals to Study Cognitive Processes” [KAKEN] Principal […]

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Book titled “音楽する脳 天才たちの創造性と超絶技巧の科学” written by Dr. Daikoku was published

A book titled “音楽する脳 天才たちの創造性と超絶技巧の科学” written by Dr. Daikoku was published from Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc. on February 10, 2022. Why does classic music move our mind and heart? Please read this exciting book for details. Tatsuya Daikoku, “音楽する脳 天才たちの創造性と超絶技巧の科学,” Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc., February 10, 2022. [Amazon]

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Project Prof. Nagai is going to give talk at CREST Symposium

Project Prof. Nagai is going to give a talk at the 2021 Symposium of CREST Research Area “Intelligent Information Processing Systems Creating Co-Experience Knowledge and Wisdom with Human-Machine Harmonious Collaboration”, which will be held on March 1, 2022. Yukie Nagai, “Cognitive Mirroring: Assisting people with developmental disorders by means of self-understanding and social sharing of cognitive processes,” 2021 Symposium of […]

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