Publications (2010-1997)

2021 and later | 2020-2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997


Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai, Akiko Nakatani, and Minoru Asada, “How a robot’s attention shapes the way people teach,” in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, 81-88, November 2010.

Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Short Paper)

  • Claudia Muhl, Yukie Nagai, and Joerg Bergmann, “What happens to interaction within an experiment in social robotics? – An example of applying video methodology for investigating technological systems,” in Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of EASST (The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), September 2010.

Invited Talks

  • Yukie Nagai, “How a robot’s attention shapes the way people teach: Bottom-up vs. top-down attention,” CoR-Lab colloquium, Bielefeld University, Germany, October 2010.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Robot Action Learning from Infant-directed Teaching of Caregivers,” Hattatsu-shinka Lab. at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, October 2010.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Cognitive Developmental Robotics: Building robots that develop and learn like humans,” Lecture at Chiba Institute of Technology, Chiba, Japan, May 2010.

Non-Reviewed International Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai, “Bottom-up Mechanism to Extract Key Actions from Parental Task Demonstration,” Development of the Social Brain Workshop, January 2010.

Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai, “Interdisciplinary Research at Bielefeld University,” in Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, 2B1-3, September 2010.
  • Akiko Nakatani, Yukie Nagai, and Minoru Asada, “Computational Analysis of Parental Action Demonstration Using Robot’s Visual Attention,” in Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Baby Science, 104, June 2010.


  • Yukie Nagai, “Motionese for Robot’s Action Learning,” Guest Talk at AI-Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, December 2010.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Caregivers’ scaffolding for infants’ development: Insights from a robotics approach,” Guest Talk at Max Plank Institute, Leipzig, Germany, October 2010.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Caregivers’ Scaffolding for Infants’ Development: Insights from a constructivist approach,” Bielefeld-Osaka Workshop, Bielefeld University, Germany, October 2010.
  • Yukie Nagai, “How the attention shapes the way we learn: A constructivist approach,” The 2nd Symposium on Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics, Global COE of Osaka University “Center of Human-friendly Robotics Based on Cognitive Neuroscience”, March 2010.


Articles in Journals

  • Yukie Nagai and Katharina J. Rohlfing, “Computational Analysis of Motionese Toward Scaffolding Robot Action Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 1(1):44-54, May 2009.
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Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai, “Stability and Sensitivity of Bottom-Up Visual Attention for Dynamic Scene Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 5198-5203, October 2009.
    [PDF] [HP]
  • Yukie Nagai, “From Bottom-Up Visual Attention to Robot Action Learning,” in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, June 2009.
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  • Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Katrin S. Lohan, Kerstin Fischer, Yukie Nagai, Karola Pitsch, Jannik Fritsch, Katharina J. Rohlfing, and Britta Wrede, “People Modify Their Tutoring Behavior in Robot-Directed Interaction for Action Learning,” in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, June 2009.
    [PDF] [HP]

Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Short Paper)

  • Thomas Schack, Yukie Nagai, Sebastian Wrede, Bettina Blaesing, and Helge Ritter, “Building Blocks and Architecture of Performance in Humans and Robots – Consequences for Applied Sportpsychology,” in Proceedings of the 12th ISSP World Congress of Sport Psychology, June 2009.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Modeling Infants’ Attention to Investigate Parental Scaffolding for Imitation,” in Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, April 2009.

Invited Talks

  • Yukie Nagai, “Investigating Pedagogy by Modeling Infant Visual Attention,” Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society -8216;Intuitive Pedagogical Reasoning: An Interdisciplinary Workshop,’ Amsterdam, Netherland, July 2009.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Cognitive Developmental Robotics: Building robots that develop and learn like humans,” Lecture at Chiba Institute of Technology, Chiba, Japan, May 2009.

Non-Reviewed International Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai, “Learning by Interaction: A Developmental Methodology for Robot Action Learning,” in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Robotics for Young Researchers, March 2009.
    [PDF] [POSTER]

Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai, “Examining Continuity in Bottom-Up Visual Attention Extracts Key Actions from Task Demonstration,” in Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2A1-F11, May 2009.
    [PDF] [POSTER]


  • Yukie Nagai, “Robot Action Learning from Parental Teaching,” Talk at Brush-up School of Global COE, Osaka University, November 2009.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Designing Human-Robot Interaction based on / toward Understanding Parent-Infant Interaction,” Guest Talk at Honda Research Institute Japan, June 2009.
  • Yukie Nagai, “From Bottom-Up Visual Attention to Robot Action Learning,” Guest Talk at Osaka University, May 2009.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Learning by Interaction: A Developmental Methodology for Robot Action Learning,” Guest Talk at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 2009.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Toward Becoming an International Researcher,” Joint Symposium of Global COE, Osaka University, 2009年11月.


Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai and Katharina J. Rohlfing, “Parental Action Modification Highlighting the Goal versus the Means,” in Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, August 2008.
    [PDF] [HP]
  • Yukie Nagai, Claudia Muhl, and Katharina J. Rohlfing, “Toward Designing a Robot that Learns Actions from Parental Demonstrations,” in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3545-3550, May 2008.
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Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Short Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai and Katharina J. Rohlfing, “Computational Analysis of Motionese: What can infants learn from parental actions?” in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Infant Studies, March 2008.
    [PDF] [POSTER]
  • Yukie Nagai and Claudia Muhl, “How does a disturbance affect people in HRI? (video),” in Proceedings of the Third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 385, March 2008.

Invited Talks

  • Yukie Nagai, “A Developmental Approach to Robot Action Learning,” Cognitive Sciences Brown Bags, University of Zurich, Switzerland, December 2008.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Visual Action Structuring by Motionese,” Workshop on -8216;Intermodal Action Structuring,’ Bielefeld, Germany, July 2008.


Articles in Journals

  • Yukie Nagai, “Joint Attention Learning based on Early Detection of Self-Other Motion Equivalence with Population Codes,” Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 25(5):727-737, July 2007.
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Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Claudia Muhl, Yukie Nagai, and Gerhard Sagerer, “On Constructing a Communicative Space in HRI,” in KI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (30th Annual German Conference on AI), J. Hertzberg, M. Beetz, and R. Englert (Eds.), Springer, 264-278, September 2007.
  • Claudia Muhl and Yukie Nagai, “Does Disturbance Discourage People from Communicating with a Robot?” in Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 1137-1142, August 2007. (Best Paper Award Finalist)
    [PDF] [HP]
  • Yukie Nagai and Katharina J. Rohlfing, “Can Motionese Tell Infants and Robots “What to Imitate”?” in Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, 299-306, April 2007.

Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Short Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai and Katharina J. Rohlfing, “Parental Signal Indicating Significant State Change in Action Demonstration,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, 205-206, November 2007.
    [PDF] [POSTER]

Tutorial and Review Papers

  • Yukie Nagai, “Can Robotics Reveal Mysteries about Human Infants?,” Baby Science, 6:42-43, January 2007.


  • Yukie Nagai, “Motionese: Parental Action Demonstration Highlighting the Goal of an Action,” Guest Talk at Osaka University, September 2007.


Articles in Journals

  • Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada, and Koh Hosoda, “Learning for joint attention helped by functional development,” Advanced Robotics, 20(10):1165-1181, September 2006.
  • Yukie Nagai, “A Constructivist Approach to Understanding the Role of Movement in the Development of Joint Attention,” Cognitive Studies, 13(3):480-483, September 2006.
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Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Short Paper)

  • Verena V. Hafner and Yukie Nagai, “Imitation Behaviour Evaluation in Human Robot Interaction,” in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics, 175-176, September 2006.
    [PDF] [POSTER]
  • Yukie Nagai, “Does a synesthetic mechanism aid robot’s language learning?” in Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Summit of Artificial Intelligence, July 2006.
    [PDF] [POSTER]
  • Katharina J. Rohlfing, Britta Wrede, and Yukie Nagai, “Models of Infant Development: How to make sense of environmental interaction and dynamics?” in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Infant Studies, June 2006.

Tutorial and Review Papers

  • Yukie Nagai, “A Robotics Approach to Understanding the Development of Joint Attention,” HATTATSU (in Japanese), 27(107):60-66, July 2006.

Invited Talks

  • Yukie Nagai, “Human-Robot Communications: A Constructivist Approach to Understanding the Human Communication Mechanism,” INPRO Kolloquium, Berlin, Germany, June 2006.
  • Yukie Nagai, “The Role of Movement in the Development of Joint Attention: A Robotic Approach,” in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto, Japan, June 2006.


Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai, “Learning to Comprehend Deictic Gestures in Robots and Human Infants,” in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 217-222, August 2005.
    [PDF] [HP]
  • Yukie Nagai, “The Role of Motion Information in Learning Human-Robot Joint Attention,” in Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2081-2086, April 2005.
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  • Yukie Nagai, “Joint Attention Development in Infant-like Robot based on Head Movement Imitation,” in Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imitation in Animals and Artifacts, 87-96, April 2005.

Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Short Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai, “Self-Other Motion Equivalence Learning for Head Movement Imitation,” in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, 127, July 2005.
    [HP] [POSTER]

Peer-Reviewed Domestic Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai, “A Constructivist Approach to Understanding the Role of Motion Information in Development of Joint Attention,” in Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society, 14-15, July 2005. (Best Presentation Award)

Invited Talks

  • Yukie Nagai, “Robots that learn to establish joint visual attention,” PRI Cooperative Research Workshop “Gaze, Joint Attention, and Theory of Mind”, Aichi, Japan, August 2005.
  • Yukie Nagai, “Cognitive Developmental Modeling of Joint Attention,” International Workshop on Processes of Communication, Bielefeld, Germany, February 2005.
  • Yukie Nagai, “What Robotics Researchers Do?,” Lecture at the 2nd Junior High School of Annaka-City, September 2005.

Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai, “Motion Information Accelerates Learning of Joint Attention,” in Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2A1-N-043, June 2005.
    [PDF] [POSTER]


Articles in Journals

  • Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, Akio Morita, and Minoru Asada, “Emergence of Joint Attention through Bootstrap Learning based on the Mechanisms of Visual Attention and Learning with Self-evaluation,” Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 19(1):10-19, January 2004.
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Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Short Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada, and Koh Hosoda, “Detecting Contingency between Self and Other Triggers Social Behavior,” in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Development and Learning, October 2004.
    [PDF] [POSTER]
  • Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, and Minoru Asada, “How does an infant acquire the joint attention ability?: A Constructivist Approach,” in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Infant Studies, May 2004.

Ph.D. Dissertation

  • Yukie Nagai, “Understanding the Development of Joint Attention from a Viewpoint of Cognitive Developmental Robotics,” Ph.D. dissertation, Osaka University, January 2004.

Non-Reviewed International Conferences

  • Minoru Asada, Yukie Nagai, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, and Koh Hosoda, “A Constructivist Approach to Understanding Emergence Process of Communication,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Emergent Mechanisms of Communication in the Brain, 35-36, March 2004.
  • Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada, and Koh Hosoda, “Gating Embedded/Acquired Mechanisms for Bootstrap Learning of Joint Attention,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Emergent Mechanisms of Communication in the Brain, 84, March 2004.
  • Hidenobu Sumioka, Koh Hosoda, Yukie Nagai, and Minoru Asada, “Autonomous Learning of Joint Attention utilizing Habituation,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Emergent Mechanisms of Communication in the Brain, 85, March 2004.
  • Akio Morita, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Koh Hosoda, Yukie Nagai, and Minoru Asada, “Acquisition of Joint Attention through Real-time Bootstrap Learning utilizing Self-organizing Map,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Emergent Mechanisms of Communication in the Brain, 86, March 2004.

Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Hidenobu Sumioka, Koh Hosoda, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Yukie Nagai, and Minoru Asada, “Autonomous Learning of Joint Attention utilizing Habituation,” in Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2P2-H-18, June 2004.


Articles in Journals

  • Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, Akio Morita, and Minoru Asada, “A constructive model for the development of joint attention,” Connection Science, 15(4):211-229, December 2003.
  • Koh Hosoda, Yukie Nagai, and Minoru Asada, “Bootstrap for Emergence of Joint Attention,” IEICE technical report: Neurocomputing, 103(392):25-30, October 2003.
  • Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada, and Koh Hosoda, “Acquisition of Joint Attention by a Developmental Learning Model based on Interactions between a Robot and a Caregiver,” Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 18(2):122-130, March 2003.
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Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, and Minoru Asada, “Joint Attention Emerges through Bootstrap Learning,” in Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 168-173, October 2003.
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  • Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, and Minoru Asada, “How does an infant acquire the ability of joint attention?: A Constructive Approach,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics, 91-98, August 2003.
  • Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, Akio Morita, and Minoru Asada, “Emergence of Joint Attention based on Visual Attention and Self Learning,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines, SaA-II-3, March 2003.

Invited Talks

  • Yukie Nagai, “A Constructivist Approach to Understanding the Development of Joint Attention,” Workshop on Interactive Design for Adaptation, Kyoto, April 2003.

Non-Reviewed International Conferences

  • Minoru Asada, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Yukie Nagai, and Koh Hosoda, “A Constructive Approach towards Emergence of Communication: Body Scheme Acquisition and Primary Joint Attention,” in Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Emergent Mechanisms of Communication, 41-48, March 2003.
  • Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, Akio Morita, and Minoru Asada, “Bootstrap Learning into Joint Attention,” The First International Symposium on Emergent Mechanisms of Communication, March 2003.

Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Akio Morita, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Koh Hosoda, Yukie Nagai, and Minoru Asada, “Acquisition of Joint Attention based on Self-Organizing Map,” in Proceedings of the 21th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, 3B34, September 2003.
  • Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, and Minoru Asada, “How do infants acquire the ability for joint attention?: From a viewpoint of cognitive developmental robotics,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Baby Science, May 2003.
  • Akio Morita, Yukie Nagai, Koh Hosoda, and Minoru Asada, “Incremental Learning of Joint Attention by Visual Feedback and Self Evaluation,” in Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2P1-3F-C1, May 2003.


Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada, and Koh Hosoda, “Developmental Learning Model for Joint Attention,” in Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 932-937, October 2002.
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  • Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada, and Koh Hosoda, “A Developmental Approach Accelerates Learning of Joint Attention,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Development and Learning, 277-282, June 2002.
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  • Noriaki Mitsunaga, Yukie Nagai, Tomohiro Ishida, Taku Izumi, and Minoru Asada, “BabyTigers 2001: Osaka Legged Robot Team,” Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligence, RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V, A. Birk, S. Coradeschi, and S. Tadokoro (Eds.), Springer, 685-688, August 2002.

Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada, and Koh Hosoda, “Joint Attention Acquisition based on Synchronized Development and Learning,” in Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, 3H13, October 2002.



  • Noriaki Mitsunaga, Yukie Nagai, and Minoru Asada, “BabyTigers: Osaka Legged Robot Team,” Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligence, RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, P. Stone, T. Balch, and G. K. Kraetzschmar (Eds.), Springer, 631-634, June 2001.

Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai and Minoru Asada, “Human-Robot Communication based on Theory of Mind – Developmental Model for Shared Attention -,” in Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, 117-118, September 2001.


Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai and Ken Tomiyama, “Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Problem of Cooperative Tasks,” in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, 1:305-306, September 1998.


Peer-Reviewed International Conferences (Full Paper)

  • Ken Tomiyama and Yukie Nagai, “Distributed Management System with Hierarchical Structure for a Group of Mobile Robots,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Mechatronics, 230-235, December 1997.

Non-Reviewed Domestic Conferences

  • Yukie Nagai, Shintaro Akiba, and Ken Tomiyama, “ADMS for Cooperative Task by Multiple Robots,” in Proceedings of the 74th JSME Annual Conference, 536-537, March 1997.
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